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Darebin Labor

Progressive, Effective, Local

Our Policies

Democratic Government

  • Enhance the use of online technology to ensure Council meetings are accessible, with expanded question time and wider availability of Council documents. Darebin Labor will also ensure Council's website and social media accounts are effective and accessible.

  • Darebin Labor is committed to improving community consultation.


Council and Committee Meetings

  • Darebin Labor will increase transparency by minimizing the number of items discussed in closed Council sessions, maximizing opportunities for community observation and input. This includes open and interactive Council and Advisory Committee meetings, as well as live streaming on different platforms.

  • Darebin Labor will review the frequency of Council meetings and aim to have Council meetings on a fortnightly basis, so more issues can be brought to Council and there are more family friendly working hours.

  • Darebin Labor will review the requirement to pre-submit questions before Council meetings, to allow for more dynamic and responsive interactions.



  • Darebin Labor will increase communication with the community, through newsletters, social media, online platforms, and community radio. Darebin Labor will also strive for improved coverage of Darebin matters in community and metropolitan newspapers as well as Culturally and Linguistically Diverse media outlets.


Community Advisory Committees

  • Darebin Labor will support community advisory committees as a means of providing policy advice to the Council. A review will be undertaken of all existing advisory committees to determine the establishment of any additional committees where required.



  • Darebin Labor will lead in the development of a strategic advocacy plan to strengthen efforts at the state and federal levels on issues impacting the Darebin community, and work with other councils and levels of government, community stakeholders and civil society on matters where appropriate.


Council Workforce

  • Darebin Labor believes that productivity and service quality are best achieved as a partnership between employees, trade unions, and the community.

  • Darebin Labor will encourage employees to become members of their appropriate union.

  • Darebin Labor will support a workplace that is safe, with appropriate security measures.

  • Darebin Labor will support adequate training, re-training, and professional development opportunities to ensure a skilled, innovative and resourceful workforce.

  • Darebin Labor will support relevant Award systems that provide for equitable wages and conditions of employees.

  • Darebin Labor will make sure workers are paid properly and have proper benefits and conditions of employment.



Rates and Financial Management

  • Darebin Labor will continue to provide increases to the pensioner rebate and improve the current Hardship Policy that enables residents to defer rates or enter payment plans in time of hardship.

  • Darebin Labor will support long-term sustainable Financial Plans according to the following principles:

o   Infrastructure must be renewed - appropriate funding will be allocated to ensure the maintenance of Darebin infrastructure.

o   Revenue collection must remain equitable and in accordance with the community’s capacity to pay.

o   Spending will be allocated equitably, targeted effectively, and designed to produce clear outcomes Darebin wide. 

o   Charges will only be imposed where necessary and they will be set within a range that reflects the social, cultural, and economic make-up of Darebin.


Community Well-being

Public Health

  •  Darebin Labor will prioritise municipal wide well-being and commit to the implementation of the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan as required in the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and forward development plan for future years. Including preparing emergency plans and providing more community health services.

  • Darebin Labor will work with Your Community Health and other community health groups to help further community initiatives that enable people to make healthy choices 

  • Darebin Labor commits to updating the Darebin Health and Wellbeing Plan and making sure there is a forward development plan for future years.

  • Darebin Labor commits to continuing the immunisation sessions established by the current Council.

  • Darebin Labor supports the Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC PYP) and will look to expand this service.

  • Darebin Labor will work with the state government to identify an appropriate location for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Local and ensure it is up and running as soon as possible.


Maternal & Child Health Services

  • Darebin Labor will support families by creating an environment where children can reach their full potential. To achieve this Darebin Labor will:

o   increase parenting programs, 

o   support high quality Maternal and Child Help Services,

o   be guided by the principles of the Victorian Child- Friendly Cities and Communities Charter, and

o   improve access for all families with young children with support they need.

  • Darebin Labor will work in partnership with the state government to secure facilities for the first Early Parenting Centre (EPC) in Darebin.


Child Care and Children Services

  • Darebin Labor will support the expansion of children services, including more community childcare places and expanding Council's family day care scheme.

  • Darebin Labor will work to upgrade childcare facilities and develop Early Years Centers across the municipality.

  • Darebin Labor will consult with community early learning centres and kindergartens to ensure they have long leases and sustainable fees.

  • Darebin Labor will make sure our childcare service are supported in their day to day operations.

  • Darebin Labor will make sure community kindergartens and early childcare services continue to have a minimum 5-year lease and pay peppercorn rents.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to advocate to the state government to expand bush kinder programs and provide more resources and fundings for this program.

  • Darebin Labor will work with community kindergartens and early childcare services in their leasing arrangements to make sure they are getting a fair deal and delivering for the community.

  • Darebin Labor will never support a plan to privatise our community childcare services.


Young People

  • Darebin Labor will support the reopening of services at The Hub at Northland and implement the Darebin Youth Action Plan including the following actions:

o   Serving as the first point of contact for young people and the community

o   Health programs

o   Research and advocacy addressing youth employment and education issues.

  • Darebin Labor will create, upgrade and improve maintenance of playgrounds, sports and recreation facilities for all young people to enjoy.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to support Decibels Youth Music and look to expand its service provision. 


Human Rights

  • Darebin Labor commits to creating a Darebin Human Rights Action Plan, to provide a common framework for all and ensure equitable access to services.

  • Darebin Labor commits to taking a forward-looking approach at making sure we have an up-to-date Human Rights Action Plan.


Refugees, Harmony and Cultural Diversity

  • Darebin Labor will celebrate our diversity by providing programs and activities that promote harmony and understanding between all citizens of Darebin.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to explore new and innovative ways of showcasing and celebrating the cultural diversity of Darebin.

  • Darebin Labor recognises that international wars and conflict have a direct impact on local communities in Darebin, for families and friends who are affected back home. Darebin Labor will support refugees and new arrivals from conflict zones and work with the Federal Government to call for peaceful resolutions of international disputes and an end to military conflict and violence in war zones such as Gaza and Ukraine.


Aged Care

  • Darebin Labor supports in-house home and community care and will lobby the Federal Government to increase funding to Darebin Council to continue to run these services.

  • Darebin Labor will implement the Living and Ageing Well Strategy that seeks to combat social isolation and loneliness while creating a more engaged community.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to support community transport, seniors’ programs, and other assistance for seniors in the community and at home.

  • Darebin Labor will invest in senior’s clubs and facilities, support U3A and develop partnerships with organizations that support seniors in the community.

  • Darebin Labor will ensure that seniors from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds have access to information, feedback opportunities, and are able to participate in council consultations.

  • Darebin Labor supports the programs in place for older residents and will make sure where possible that these services stay in house and aren’t privatised.

  • Darebin Labor will continue supporting Home and Community Care services for older people, including:

o   Delivered nutritious meals

o   Flexible respite and social support

o   Home maintenance support

o   Home support services for older residents

o   Support for the carers of older people

o   Re-introducing window and gutter cleaning programs



  • Darebin Labor will promote an inclusive Darebin community that prioritises access and equity for people with a disability, their families and carers.

  • Darebin Labor will implement the goals of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, which includes ensuring the physical environment is safe, accessible, and inclusive for all, as well as increasing employment and economic participation for people with disabilities in the community.

  • Darebin Labor will work with people with disabilities to ensure Council’s awareness and action on barriers to community engagement are addressed, for instance through the establishment of an ongoing reporting program, where people with disability can alert Council to issues or concerns around access, similar to the Snap Send Solve app, but specific for disability access. 

  • Darebin Labor will continue to advocate to Yarra Trams for accessible tram stops throughout Darebin. We will also ensure Council is connected to grassroots disability campaigns and advocates around the same issue.

  • Darebin Labor supports the continuation of the Flow Festival - the groundbreaking Australian deaf arts festival, and will advocate for its return in 2025

  • Darebin Labor will ensure that Darebin Council celebrates disability pride month in July and will work to support events about disability pride to be run that month.

  • Darebin Labor will be proactive in consultation with Disability Groups on the design of new facilities, to ensure they are accessible from the get-go.


First Peoples Rights

  • Darebin Labor will ensure respectful and inclusive recognition of Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people as the Traditional Owners of the lands and waterways in Darebin.

  • Darebin Labor will implement the Statement of Commitment to Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung People and First Peoples. 

  • Darebin Labor will work with the Aborigines Advancement League (AAL) and other First Peoples organisations in Darebin to make sure they have sufficient resources to support the first nations community in Darebin and projects that directly impact on first nations people in Darebin.


LGBTIQA+ Communities

  • Darebin Labor will develop a plan to support and better engage our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, and Aromantic/Asexual Diversity and Inclusion communities.

  • Darebin Labor will increase engagement and consultation with LGBTIQA+ people, with special consideration to intersectionality to address and prevent discrimination, promote safety and wellbeing, health and community services, and greater advocacy on LGBTIQA+ issues.

  • Darebin Labor will continue the work that has been started on the guiding framework to address inequality with the Towards Equality: Equity, Inclusion and Human Rights Framework 2019-2029.

  • Darebin Labor commits to having a current Sexuality, Sex and Gender Diverse Action Plan.

  • Darebin Labor will work collectively with relevant Organisations to support LGBTIQA+ Youth, to ensure they have access to the support and resources they need

  • Darebin Labor will advocate for specific support for older LGBTIQA+ people, who are at greater risk of experiencing loneliness and isolation. 

  • Darebin Labor will advocate for appropriate diversity and inclusion training for council staff who support older LGBTIQA+ people.

  • Darebin Labor supports LGBTIQA+ events and will encourage Council to reintroduce ‘trans swim nights’ at council run swimming centers, ensuring trans and gender diverse people have a safe space to enjoy the water.

  • Darebin Labor will work towards getting Darebin Council up to Rainbow Tick standards.


Gender Equity

  • Darebin Labor will promote gender equality so that all people have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities.

  • Darebin Labor recognises that gendered violence is preventable, and that gender inequality sets the underlying context in which violence occurs.

  • Darebin Labor in conjunction with local social and community services organisations will implement a range of local actions to respond to and prevent family and gender- based violence in Darebin.

  • Darebin Labor will support the Vicki Cleary Day to grow as the centrepiece of the anti-violence campaign and new initiatives in the community to raise awareness of gender-based violence with speakers with lived experience and professional experience.

  • Darebin Labor is committed to expanding the Darebin Gender Equity Advisory Committee.

  • Darebin Labor proudly supports trans and gender diverse people and will advocate to expand the representation of trans and gender diverse identities involved in the Gender Equity Advisory Committee. 

  • Darebin Labor recognises the marginalisation that non-binary and gender diverse people experience because of their gender identity and supports the inclusion of non-binary and gender diverse people in the Darebin Gender Equity Advisory Committee, and the updating of the terms of reference to ensure it represents all people in Darebin who have a marginalized gender identity. 

  • Darebin Labor will continue to support the International Women’s Day Molly Hadfield Oration


Community Safety

  • Darebin Labor will workwith Victoria Police to ensure a safer community.

  • Darebin Labor will support crime prevention programs and infrastructure including CCTV cameras and more lighting in public spaces.

  • Darebin Labor will work to improve safety on its sporting grounds and facilities, including looking at how we can make our parks and playgrounds safer for children with fencing, improved lighting and appropriate gates where needed. 

  • Darebin Labor will support social and community services organisations, homelessness programs and the community to ensure that people in crisis can access necessary programs prior to the involvement of police. 



  • Darebin Labor will look to develop programs to mitigate the harm caused by problem gambling and support alternative social outlets like Libraries After Dark program.


Economic Development


  • Darebin Labor will support the Economic Development Strategy to revitalise our local economy and create more local jobs.

  • Darebin Labor will support our local traders, trader associations and the business community with regular programs, network events, promotions of our local economy, business development, increased investment in shopping strips and greater support for new businesses.

  • Darebin Labor remains focused on the provision of council services while working with businesses to support enterprises and to develop the skills of the local workforce.

  • Darebin Labor will support centers of innovation, including promoting clusters for creative arts, sustainability, science and innovation, health and biomedicine, and information technology.

  • Darebin Labor will develop strategies, and precinct plans to rejuvenate local activity centers by investing in the public realm to improve beautification, street furniture, tree planting opportunities, better transport options including active transport, cycling and walking.

  • Darebin Labor will support small business training for the employment of people with disability, to increase the rates of employment for this group, and support for small businesses in doing so. 


Preston Market

  • Darebin Labor commits to working with traders and the community to make sure Preston Market is a thriving hub and the footprint and character of the market remains the same.

  • Darebin Labor will assist in creating more opportunities for the promotion of Preston Market through new initiatives like the recent ABC radio visit.

  • Darebin Labor commits to supporting all businesses at Preston Market.


Arts and Cultural

  • Darebin Labor commits to strengthening the significant creative sector in Darebin and enhancing its standing as a destination for the Arts.

  • Darebin Labor will support a range of engaging cultural and artistic events, exhibitions and performances throughout the year including the High Street Festival, the Eighty-Six Festival, Rossmoyne Rummage, and other community festivals and events.

  • Darebin Labor commits to supporting the Darebin Intercultural Centre and creating opportunities for more events and programs to happen.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to engage with the arts community to develop more programs and opportunities for everyone in the community.

  • Darebin Labor will continue working with the community to ensure all art policies and strategies are up-to-date and in-line with the needs of the community.

  • Darebin Labor will ensure that it reaches out to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities with culturally appropriate communications. 

  • Darebin Labor will support emerging artists to engage with the Darebin community.


Environment and Climate Action

  • Darebin Labor has a strong record of protecting our local environment and taking strong action on the climate emergency, for example Alphington Battery, NARC, restoring full funding to DCMC and MCMC, solar savers program, increasing tree canopy.

  • Darebin Labor holds fast their declaration of a climate emergency and will continue the work of the Climate Emergency Plan 2024-30.

  • Darebin Labor will work with the community and state and federal governments to create a sustainability community hub at the old MIC site at 2 Wingrove street Alphington.

  • Darebin Labor will proactively engage in climate adaptation measures, through planning measures and by using existing assets such as roads, nature strips, and stormwater, to mitigate the existing and pending impacts of climate change on the community.


Creeks and Waterways

  • Darebin Labor will protect our local environment including our waterways and ecosystems and invest in water catchment systems to prevent litter from entering our river systems. 

  • Darebin Labor will ensure that effective drain catchers are maintained and ensure support for rubbish collectors to clean up bin spills during collections.

  • Darebin Labor will support the consolidation of open space corridors and advocate for all state-owned land along the creek corridors to be gifted to Council to be permanently rezoned for open space.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to work with and invest in all the local Creek Friends groups, believing that the most effective way of improving the creeks is to involve the community and its residents.


Recycling and Circular Economy

  • Darebin Labor supports the concept of circular economy and the reuse of materials that will encourage residents to reduce waste, aiming for zero waste to be sent to landfill. Darebin Labor will encourage more recycling and reuse of materials in developments and council projects.


Climate Policy

  • Darebin Labor is a leader on the climate emergency and will work towards a carbon neutral council by advocating for innovative renewable energy projects and programs to mitigate against climate change.

  • Darebin Labor will expand initiatives to reduce community generated greenhouse gas emissions through a range of approaches, aiming for inclusion rather than exclusion. Carbon footprints can be measured across a range of activities- not transport alone.

  • Darebin Labor will support Electric Vehicles and look to install more electric charging stations in public spacesacross Darebin.

  • Darebin Labor will invest in climate action programs, renewable energy and community batteries that support the State Governments objectives and climate targets.

  • Darebin Labor will support developer contributions, where developers contribute more to open space and essential infrastructure. 

  • Darebin Labor will invest in infrastructure for active transport, making it safer and more convenient for people who ride, walk, or run to get around.


Tree Planting

  • Darebin Labor supports the state government’s initiatives to plant more trees in Darebin and will advocate to both state and federal governments to invest more money into planting trees in Darebin.

  • Tree canopies play a huge role in mitigating against the heat island effect and cool our city in the summer months Darebin Labor commits to working with the community for sensible and maintainable green plantings that produce shade and habitat that is also compliant with the Electrical Line Clearance Legislation.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to support our community with community gardens and where appropriate will advocate to the state government to create more community gardens.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to support the planting of native and Indigenous trees.


City Development 

Urban Planning

  • Darebin Labor supports a planning system that encourages sustainable and appropriate development that respects neighbourhood character, diversity in housing choice, is responsive to the capacity of local infrastructure, traffic congestion and parking, compliant with design guidelines and local height limits.

  • Darebin Labor supports development that provides appropriate car parking and active transport plans, linking to the public transport network.

  • Darebin Labor will protect our industrial and commercial zoned land for employment activities and job creation.

  • Darebin Labor will support heritage protections into the planning scheme of buildings that have community significance.

  • Darebin Labor will encourage the development of good quality and environmentally sensitive design in planningand compliance with State guidelines

  • Darebin Labor will seek to expand community consultation, third-party notification, and appeal rights in the planning scheme.


Affordable Housing

  • Darebin Labor will pursue community partnerships with housing providers to develop and encourage affordable housing that meets the needs of our community.

  • Darebin Labor will advocate for more inclusionary zoning, where developers are required to supply a percentage of affordable and social homes in each development.

  • Darebin Labor will work with other levels of Government and Community Housing Associations to build more social and affordable housing in Darebin.

  • Darebin Labor will work with the state government on the Preston Housing Hub.

  • Darebin Labor is committed to increasing affordable and social housing supply in Darebin.

  • Darebin Labor will make sure that the correct infrastructure and community facilities are built alongside any new development.

  • Darebin Labor commits to working with the Victorian government to facilitate the development of additional social housing in Darebin



  • Darebin Labor will encourage more sustainable modes of transport including walking, cycling, active, and public transport. We will undertake extensive consultation with the community to make our streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists and the wider community.

  • Darebin Labor commit to working with the state government to make accessible tram stops available to all residents across Darebin.

  • Darebin Labor will work with Yarra Trams and the state government to secure an accessible tram stop at Tyler Street.

  • Darebin Labor commits to working with the community to make sure there are sufficient parking spaces for everyone including resident permit zones where appropriate and adequately timed areas for time limited parking.

  • Darebin Labor supports free parking for residents.

  • Infrastructure

  • Darebin Labor will ensure the maintenance and improvement of our roads, paths and associated infrastructure and will use forward looking plans to ensure adequate funding is provided for the maintenance of our road networks.

  • Darebin Labor will support the campaign to lower speed limits in local neighbourhood streets, to help limit rat-running, and introduce traffic calming measures.

  • Darebin Labor will investigate how best to mitigate rat-runs, and the different measures that can be taken to make our roads safer for all users.



  • Darebin Labor will continue to implement innovative programs to encourage more walking trips and to increase pedestrian safety. 

  • Darebin Labor will continue to ensure that new or rebuilt roads contain measures to improve pedestrian amenity and safety.

  • Darebin Labor commits to working with the community to quickly fix footpath issues that are sent through Snap, Send, Solve.

  • Darebin Labor will ensure adequate lighting of footpaths.


Active Transport

  • Darebin Labor will continue to increase opportunities for the bicycle networks in Darebin including the provision of marked bicycle lanes on roads and extensions to the off-road networks.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to seek financial support for the installation of pedestrian operated signals at busy locations.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to ensure that new or rebuilt roads contain measures to improve the safety of cyclists. If this conflicts with the nature of the road, attempts shall be made to provide alternative routes for cyclists.

  • Darebin Labor will support community cycling groups, to increase public awareness of bicycle safety, education on bike law, and ensure roads and paths can be shared safely.

  • Darebin Labor will invest in infrastructure for active transport, making it safer and more convenient for people who ride, walk, or run to get around.


Community Facilities and Open Space 

Open Spaces

  • Darebin Labor will continue to upgrade and create new public open space and pocket parks. 

  • Darebin Labor will work to ensure that all residents have quality, accessible open space within safe walking distance.

  • Darebin Labor will continue to develop parkland along our creek corridors and improve the natural environment so native wildlife can return to the creeks and wetlands.

  • Darebin Labor will work with community groups to increase and sustain the food and forest gardens we have in Darebin.


Aquatic and Leisure Centres

  • Darebin Labor commits to the rebuild of the Reservoir Leisure Centre (RLC).

  • Darebin Labor commits to making sure everyone across Darebin has access to adequate aquatic and leisure centres.

  • Darebin Labor will ensure that Council owned Aquatic and Leisure Centres are adequately funded, facilities and services maintained and expanded.

  • Darebin Labor will ensure that all Aquatic Leisure Centres are fully accessible to people with disabilities.


Sporting groups and facilities

  • Darebin Labor will make our community sporting facilities and grounds a priority.

  • Darebin Labor has worked tirelessly to support the increase of participation amongst a range of people in our community who are less likely to participate and will continue to encourage women and girls, people with a disability, LGBTIQA+ communities, low-income earners, single parent families, people from culturally diverse backgrounds and older adults to participate.

  • Darebin Labor will support upgrading sporting pavilions and change rooms to enable greater access and participation of sports.

  • Darebin Labor will investigate sharing arrangements of open space and sporting facilities at local schools, aiming to form partnerships that benefit both the local community and the schools.

  • Darebin Labor will work and consult with local sporting clubs to make sure that their needs are met to participate in community sport.

  • Darebin Labor commits to ensuring that all sporting grounds are up to standard and have adequate drainage when sporting grounds are redeveloped.

  • Darebin Labor commits to applying for increased state and federal government grants and funding opportunities to maintain and improve our local sporting clubs.

  • Darebin Labor will make our community sporting facilities and grounds a priority.

  • Darebin Labor will be guided by the Northcote Golf Course masterplan and commit to making sure the golf course, the clubrooms and the shared community park are all delivered as per the masterplan.

  • Darebin Labor will support smaller clubs to be able to expand, by creating a register on the Council website for people to search and helping connect them with the facilities and resources they need.


Neighbourhood Houses and Community Hubs

  • Darebin Labor will support Neighbourhood Houses with future development and growth plans, providing more services to our community.

  • Darebin Labor will support community organisations such as DIVRS that provide essential services and  support for the community in times of need.

  • Darebin Labor will work with the community to make sure our neighbourhood houses and community hubs have long leases and contracts with council that appropriately reflect their vital contributions in the community.



  • Darebin Labor is committed to ensuring our libraries continue to serve the Darebin community. Libraries are a key to accessing knowledge and breaking down barriers in society and as such Darebin Labor will continue to ensure that the funds for the purchase of new books, audio visual and online books are maintained.

  • Darebin Labor will support our libraries in providing more activities and programs including rhyme time and story time in different languages for children and families.

  • Darebin Labor will look into starting the libraries after dark program and program more activities in our public libraries.

  • Darebin Labor recognises the importance of Toy Libraries and will support future operations and expansion. 

  • Darebin Labor will explore options to develop a tool library within an already established organisation. 

  • Darebin Labor supports the inclusion of the Deaf community within our libraries and will advocate for the purchase of Auslan children’s books, and training for staff on the Language. 

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